Anytime you experience something, whether that’s a situation, event, or some sort of feedback, there’s the…
Triggered reaction and then there is a reaction that comes AFTER the trigger
The triggered reaction is an automatic and almost instant response that’s usually charged with strong feelings such as anger, fear, or even lust and desire.
Then there’s the reaction that comes AFTER those strong feelings fade.
If you want the surefire way to mess up your life…
Always act on the triggered reaction
This is specially true when the triggered response to a task or goal is “I can’t,” “It’s impossible,” or “It’ll be too hard.”
Believe me, this is the BEST WAY I’ve found to RUIN your life.
If, on the other hand, you want the BEST WAY to go FAR in life…
Wait a few moments before reacting to the trigger
That’s because the triggered response is designed to help you deal with worst case scenarios, and as quickly as possible.
So, it’s NOT always the most clear or thought out response.
But when the initial reaction eases up, other responses and options have the ability to show up.
Those responses tend to be better and more likely to lead to positive outcomes.
The best way of how not to react to triggers…
Never act on the first feeling or thought that hits you
Always pause for a few seconds for the brain to give you other options and choices.
And your brain will, if you give it the chance.